Suiker Unie is located in Nieuw Prinsenland. Several companies are preparing to settle there in the near future.

Suiker Unie develops, produces and sells sugar and sugar specialties. Its factories for the production of sugar in Dinteloord, Vierverlaten and Anklam (north-eastern Germany) are among the most modern in the world. The sugar plant in Dinteloord has been located here since 1908. Suiker Unie aims to exploit the whole sugar beet and is currently one of the pillars of the bio-based economy in the Netherlands.
Suiker Unie is part of Royal Cosun. This agro-industrial group consists of companies that process agricultural raw materials into food products and ingredients that find their way into the food industry, food services and retail. Other well-known (brand) names include: Van Gilse and Aviko.